The Gentoo COMMANDs Used in the installation explication


0 min read

  • emerge xorg-server -pv

emerge is the definitive command-line interface to the Portage system. It is primarily used for installing packages. abstracts hardware and provides the foundation for most graphical user interfaces, such as desktop environments or window managers, and their applications.

  • emerge xorg-server –autounmask-write

emerge command with --autounmask-write automatically queues the required text file alteration. Autounmask automatically unmask packages and generate package.use settings as necessary to satisfy dependencies. This option is disabled by default. If any configuration changes are required, then they will be displayed after the merge list and emerge will immediately abort. If the displayed configuration changes are satisfactory, you should copy and paste them into the specified configuration file(s), or enable the --autounmask-write option.

  • dispatch-conf

After all configuration files, the final update is made by dispatch-conf.

The dispatch-conf is used on Gentoo to manage configuration file updates. It allows system administrators to review then accept or reject upstream configuration changes, which frequently happens when packages are updated. It is capable of integrating with rcs to allow for version-controlled configuration file management

  • startx

startx is to start up the X server. startx is a script that executes an X session; that is, it starts the X server and some graphical applications on top of it.

  • emerge -pv xterm

xterm is the standard terminal simulator of the X Window system that provides a command line interface in a window. Multiple xterm instances can run simultaneously on the same screen, each providing shell input and output or a different process.

  • /etc/portage/make.conf

The /etc/portage/make.conf file: is used to customize the Portage environment on a global level. They control many elements of Portage functionality.

  • emerge -pv gnome

GNOME is a desktop environment and a development platform. This piece of free software is the desktop of choice for several industry leaders. It is one of the most widely-used desktop environments for Linux desktops and has been an important part of Gentoo for many years.

  • emerge -pv i3

i3 is a minimalist window manager and focuses on keyboard commands to manipulate Windows. By default, all windows are fullscreen to maximize screen usage and low positioning.

  • emerge -aj dmenu i3status i3lock

i3status: provides status information that can be used by i3bar which, by default, sits at the bottom of the screen. i3status is a small program for generating a status bar for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar, lemonbar or similar programs. The basic idea of i3status is that you can specify which "modules" should be used (the order directive)/ i3blocks: A more (relative to the more popular i3status) advanced, extensively-customizable status (for the i3bar config to use) is provided by i3block. root #emerge --ask x11-misc/i3blocks i3lock: i3lock is an i3 compatible screen locker. dmenu is a fast and lightweight dynamic menu. It reads arbitrary text from stdin, and creates a menu with one item for each line. The user can then select an item, through the arrow keys or typing a part of the name, and the line is printed to stdout. dmenu_run is a wrapper that ships with the dmenu distribution that allows its use as an application launcher.

  • vi .xinitrc

.xinitrc is a hidden file in the user's home_directory to run a shell script to start up client programs, .xinitrc is only for configuring the initialization of xinit.